Become the Captain of your own ship in the 1700's. Sail for the British Navy and fight for Queen Anne as a Privateer -or- become a Pirate and seek your own fortune!
Name your crew, choose your profession, purchase a ship, stock up on supplies, choose your destination, then set sail at the mercy of the wind. You'll encounter pirates, storms, disease, starvation, and death as you sail the world.
Or you could just stay in port and play liars dice the whole time instead.
Two massive content expansions were planned and completed!
[Complete] Fantasy Toggle - Bring fantastic legends of the sea to life with myths, monsters, and mystery!
[Complete] Route Planning - Explore the world and visit famous historic ports from New York to Shanghai!

Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10, supported - Mac 32-bit and Linux versions supported only on Steam
For posterity, the very first version is playable for free in celebration of its fifth year anniversary: Download it here!