Self-Publisher: Victorian Clambake
Initial Release Date: March 23, 2017
Steam Release Date: September 19, 2017
Route Planning Update: June 8, 2018
Fantasy Toggle Update: June 16th, 2020
Final Update: January 23rd, 2022
Platforms: Itch.io, Gamejolt, and Steam
Operating Systems: Windows 7+ everywhere, Mac 32-bit and Linux support on Steam.
Regular Price: $14.99
Contact Email: ContactClambake@gmail.com
Social: Twitter, Youtube, Discord
Engine: GameMaker: Studio
The Developer: Evan Massie
Steamboat Willie Addition - Screenshots
A whimsically dark 8-bit adventure about sailing the world in the 1700's with an optional fantasy mode!
Originally The Caribbean Sail was made to test out some features for a much larger project.
Version 0.1 was completed in two weeks and after months of development during Steam Greenlight it was released on Steam it saw weekly content patches and updates for 10 months.
After that, work began on the first massive expansion "Route Planning" which was completed in five months and released for free.
During the development of Route Planning, a Shanty Off was hosted where the best submissions were added to the game!
After a few more content updates, work began on the second major expansion “Fantasy Toggle” which was completed and added for free after a year and five months of work.
In September 2021 The Caribbean Sail - Physical Release was funded using Kickstarter.
The final content update was pushed and development finally ended on January 23rd, 2022.
*Steamboat Willie was added as a playable character on January 1st 2024
Main Features
Planning and preparing for the voyage
An 8-bit soundtrack of traditional shanties and naval tunes
Traditional Liar's Dice
Ship and character upgrades
Real time naval combat
Harpoon fishing to replenish supplies
2890 user written messages in bottles
Facing real dangers of sailing in the 1700s
Disciplining your crew with floggings
Changing your flag to fool the enemy
An open ended pirate storyline
A guided privateer storyline
An optional fantasy mode with four unique storylines
Treasure hunting
Unlockable ships and professions
15 unique destinations around the world to explore
Mystery content
Planned Expansions
[Complete] Fantasy Toggle - Sea monsters, Myths and Mystery
[Complete] Route Planning - Opening the world for exploration
[Complete] Steamboat Willie
Store Page Links
Steam Store Page - http://store.steampowered.com/app/657690/The_Caribbean_Sail/
Itch.io - https://victorian-clambake.itch.io/the-caribbean-sail
Gamejolt - https://gamejolt.com/games/CaribbeanSail/246218
Discord - https://discordapp.com/store/applications/465975082985062422/the-caribbean-sail
Press Coverage
Parden’s Pixels Video Review - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jU3poshmUsM&ab_channel=Paden%27sPixels
Gamelyst Interview - https://medium.com/@gamelyst/interview-with-evan-massie-creator-of-the-amazing-indie-game-the-caribbean-sail-d0bc968d29be
Indie Retro News - http://www.indieretronews.com/2017/09/the-caribbean-sail-nautical-game.html
Gaming on Linux - https://www.gamingonlinux.com/articles/sailing-the-ocean-blue-and-dealing-with-pirates-some-thoughts-on-the-caribbean-sail.12194
TechRaptor - https://techraptor.net/content/coverage-club-caribbean-sail?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter
Post Fantasy Toggle Trailer - [MOST RECENT]
Post Route Planning Trailer
Fantasy Toggle Artwork
Dark background friendly
White background friendly
Route Planning Artwork
Dark background friendly
Light background friendly